Tuesday, August 31, 2010
South Molle Resort
We have a mooring just off the beach at the resort and we brought all our stuff over in two goes in the dinghy, mainly because we brought half the galley and larder with us. Rooms are pretty basic. Chez complained after we had moved in and we were transferred to a cabin next door, which was a little better. The boss is away at the moment, but when she returns in the morning the receptionist is going to ask her if we can upgrade to a more expensive room at no extra cost. It is very quiet here at the moment with only a few other guests, which is very nice. On Sunday after we leave they are having an influx of 360 guests!
Had a lazy afternoon getting used to land again; Chez is taking me out to dinner tonight for my birthday.
Monday, August 30, 2010
3 days of blog
Non Barbeque at Montes
Had a lazy morning, cleaning up and doing a few chores before going over to Montes for the BBQ. It was very crowded, but we managed to get seats with our friends from Hobart.
Spent the afternoon chatting with them and listening to the live music and wondering when we were going to get fed. Eventually we found out that it had been postponed to a dinner and would be served at 6:30, neither us nor our friends wanted to spend the evening there, then go back to our boats in the dinghies after having had a few drinks, in the dark and with quite a strong wind blowing. So we called it a day and went back to Paragon and fired our own BBQ up.
The weather has been rather poor since we left Cid Harbour, with strong south easterly winds and overcast every day. Hope the SE wind drops before we head back to Airlie Beach on Monday as we will be heading SE most of the way.
Sunday, 29 August 2010
Non Seafood Lunch at Dingo Beach
Today the SICYC has organised a seafood lunch for us at Dingo beach, with a bus to take us around there. I checked the forecast for tomorrow for our trip to Airlie Beach and found that this south easterly is going to increase from 10 – 15 today to 20 – 25 tomorrow, so we thought it best if we got the worst part of the trip, Montes to Double Bay over today and forgo the seafood lunch. Which is what we did. We had the wind on the bow all the way and it took us almost 5 ½ hours to do the 17 miles, and quite bumpy. It was worse today than the trip we did from Newry to Goldsmith, Chez hated that, was sick and almost gave up to go home. Today she took it in her stride and actually enjoyed it, so I would say she has found her sea legs.
Now anchored in Double Bay East, still blowing at about 20 knots, but no swell.
Monday, 30 August 2010
The wind howled all night, but there was very little swell and Double Bay has good holding in mud.
Little better trip today than yesterday, had wind on the beam for about half the trip. Had difficulty getting around Grimstone Point against the wind and current, had to tack out into the bay.
Picked up fuel and water at Abel Point Marina before going out into the small craft mooring area and picking up a mooring.
Went over to the boat launching ramp in the dinghy twice, once to do our shopping and once to do the washing at the laundrette. Also walked about a kilometres to a service station to get a swap gas bottle. Quite heavy to carry when full for that distance.
By the time we had put the groceries and washing away it was time to sit down and have a glass of wine and contemplate dinner. Also celebrating the very last day I can call myself 70, tomorrow I’ll have to say 71!!
Going to a resort on South Molle Island tomorrow, booked in there for 4 nights. Imagine sleeping on a bed that doesn’t rock!. First time for me for over 7 weeks.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Sunday, 22 August 2010
Another cloudy day and a southerly blowing, about 15 knots. Sailed most of the way across to Goldsmith Island as the wind was on the beam. Bit of a swell and sea so poor Chez felt a bit queasy and ended up giving her breakfast to the fish!
Roylen Bay, Goldsmith is a beautiful little bay with a nice beach. Put the dinghy in the water with the intention of going over to the beach for a walk, but every time I put outboard into gear it stalled, don’t know what’s wrong with it. Didn’t fancy rowing against the strongish off shore breeze, so ended up having a beer instead.
We will be going to Hamilton Island tomorrow.
Monday, 23 August 2010
Goldsmith to Cid Harbour
Last night was a bit rolly. Chez, being un-used to it, found it quite uncomfortable.
Saw a large turtle while we were there, it hung around for a while.
Left about 8 this morning with the intention of going to Hamilton Island, but when I rang them up to book a berth I found that they were full up until the end of the month. The Hamilton Island races are on at the moment. Thought I had better ring up Airlie Beach marina now in case they are full, and the first question I was asked was “have you got fully comprehensive insurance” I only have third party and public liability, but this isn’t good enough so Airlie Beach is out unless we can find somewhere to anchor.
After being denied Hamilton Island we decided to go to Cid Harbour, not a harbour as such, but a very sheltered bay between Cid Island and Whitsunday Island. Very popular, there are about 30 vessels here at anchor this evening. It appears to be much more sheltered and comfortable than Goldsmith.
Saw a few whales on the way up here, one was playing and slapping the water.
No internet service here, so won’t be posting these last 2 blogs until we get closer to the mainland again on Wednesday
Walk to Whitsunday Peak
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
Lovely day today after a very calm night. We were both very tired and slept well. Chez did some hand washing and I tried out the outboard in the dinghy, as it had played up at Goldsmith. This time it was OK, probably played up before because another yacht was taking a great deal of interest in our futile attempts to keep it going, especially as I had cast off and we were being blown out to sea. Quite a hard row back to the boat.
We went over to the beach and walked up to Whitsunday Island Peak, about 470 meters high. It was quite a steep climb, but the path was fairly good, with rough stone steps on the very steep parts. The view at the top is absolutely magnificent there are views both to the west and the mainland, and to the south to Hamilton Island and beyond. It took us about 3 hours round trip with a 45 minute lunch and beer break at the top.
We had a swim at the beach when we returned. The tide had gone out and it was quite a carry of the dinghy back to the water’s edge.
Back home to Paragon for a few chores and to take it easy for a while.
We need to get a few stores, water and fuel so we are going over to Airlie tomorrow. A couple we met on the walk said we would be OK to anchor near the VMR building and use their pontoon to leave the dinghy while we went to the local shopping centre. Probably go around to Double Bay to overnight.
Shag Island Picnic
Shag Island
Finally arrived at Shag Island about 8:30 this morning. Lots of boats already here.
We did set off for Shag Island yesterday morning from Airlie beach, but the wind blew up and we sheltered in Double Bay, very quiet and peaceful anchorage.
Left Double Bay at 5:00 this morning in order to make the 12:00 picnic lunch on Shag Island today. I went over to the resort and found out that we can use the showers and the laundry there. First person I ran into was Liz Franklin who hails from Port Macquarie, she left Port about 5 years ago. She was in Sea Rescue for a while and also worked as a deck hand on the Port Venture. Also the barman in the resort is from port, went to Port High, about 3 years behind Nicole.
The afternoon picnic on Shag island went very well, though there was a cool wind blowing and we only stayed for a couple of hours. There were over 150 “Shaggers” there out of a membership of about 600, so it was a good turnout. We were talking to 1 family who had sailed up from Hobart, and there were also members from USA and NZ.
I will add a couple of photos that I took.
I must apologise as I have found there are a couple of blogs that I have written out on computer and forgotten to post them, so they will be out of order.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Airlee Beach
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
We had a pleasant evening last night and a quiet night, no wind or swell.
Arrived over at the marina at Airlie Beach about lunch time, motored all the way across because, again, no wind. Moored up on the fuel wharf only to find that you have to book a time slot to re-fuel and we were holding up 2 vessels, the attendant was very obliging and after moving around a couple of times to let other boats in to re-fuel, we managed to fill up ourselves.
We had intended just to get fuel and stores and then go about 10 miles up the coast to anchor in Double Bay, but we were so long getting fuel that we decided to stay here the night. We found an un-occupied mooring and commandeered it, then took the dinghy across to get our stores. Only about 400 meters from the boat ramp to a shopping centre with a Cole’s super-market. Unfortunately in getting the dinghy in correct position on ramp to get the stores on board, I slipped off of the concrete ramp into deep water, got soaked, but what was worse, my phone was in my pocket and it didn’t like a soaking in salt water. Have rinsed it in fresh and am drying it; hope its OK, I’ve only had it a couple of weeks.
Adding a couple of photos taken on our walk up to Whitsunday Peak yesterday
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Chez first trip
21st August 2010-08-21
Chez arrived OK on Thursday afternoon, she had a good flight and I picked her up and we went into the shopping centre to get a few things I had forgotten
We went out to dinner that evening at the yacht club, very quiet.
Next day Chez did her own cleaning and what I thought was a clean and tidy boat, wasn’t!! and even I noticed the difference after Chez’s female touch.
Thursday and Friday were very hot and humid, but today it has come over a bit cloudy, but there is a southeaster blowing which should aid us going north later this morning.
Chez is a bit apprehensive about her first trip, she says she’ll camp here on the pontoon and wait for me to return! I think she will change her mind when she realises that we don’t get the same sort of seas up here as in NSW, at least not this time of year.
Departed Mackay about 11:00 and had a very pleasant trip up here to Newry Island. A bit cooler today with cloud and a southerly wind.
Chez was very apprehensive when we left Mackay harbour and it is a bit rolly around that area, but once we got going and away from shore she suddenly started to enjoy it.
Arrived here at Newry Island mid afternoon and Chez says it is a beautiful anchorage and would like to return here on way back
Goldsmith Island tomorrow
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Back In Mackay
Wednesday 18th August
Back in Mackay
I spent two very comfortable nights at anchor off Newry Island, before returning to Mackay yesterday morning.
Just outside Mackay Harbour, I turned into wind, left the engine on idle and went up and pulled down the main. When I went to power up for the final couple of hundred meters into the harbour, the engine played up. No power, fluctuating RPM, just like had happened to me before I came away. The engine died altogether and, as I was between the beach and a small island I put down the anchor and called up Sea Rescue. About 45 minutes to get the crew in and get to me. After a short while waiting, I tried starting engine and got it going enough to limp very slowly into my berth. I cancelled Sea Rescue.
When I investigated I found fuel filter blocked, so changed it and now all OK. I must have picked up a bit of dirty fuel somewhere as it is less than the prescribed number of hours since I changed it. Got 3 spares when I went into Mackay this morning.
Just about ready for Chez to arrive tomorrow, stores all on board, washing done and boat cleaned.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Sunday 15th August
Since my last post I have been back to Mckay, my telephone wasn’t working properly, couldn’t get a signal unless I was right under the tower. That was on Friday, went into Mckay to do some shopping and buy a new telephone that afternoon by bus, then stayed in marina overnight and left at lunch time on Saturday. I had met a few people in Mckay and they were also leaving yesterday, but were going to Newry Island, which though a bit further than Brampton, was a much better anchorage. And so it has proved to be, the sea here is like glass and I had a very comfortable night.
Doing some cleaning up today, glorious day and I’ll stay here til Tuesday or Wednesday
Couple of photos take in Mckay marina, Paragon and a little boat that father and son have sailed out here from California, via New Zealand. They are continuing on there way across the Indian, Mediterranean and Atlantic back to California.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Brampton Island
I arrived here yesterday; mid afternoon after a pleasant four and a half hour trip from MacKay. It was motoring all the way as there was no wind, and the seas were flat.
I anchored in Western Bay at Brampton Island, as it is sheltered from the forecast strong southerly change expected some time tonight. There was a nor’easter came in late afternoon, but it didn’t make much change to conditions.
The southerly hit at 10 past midnight, up to 30 knots on my wind read out the seas didn’t come up much though due to their short fetch.
I had to get up several times during the night in the pouring rain and check the anchor, I put a 2nd snub on, but it was still banging. At one stage, at low tide, I was convinced that I was banging on a rock, and I started the motor to move to deeper water, but I couldn’t get the anchor up as it appeared to have snagged on a rock or coral. I had to stay where I was, but I didn’t get much sleep.
This morning conditions are much better, the rain has stopped, winds eased and at high tide I decided to move to a different spot. The anchor was snagged, but I freed it by driving forward over it and dragging it free.
Brampton Island
I arrived here yesterday; mid afternoon after a pleasant four and a half hour trip from MacKay. It was motoring all the way as there was no wind, and the seas were flat.
I anchored in Western Bay at Brampton Island, as it is sheltered from the forecast strong southerly change expected some time tonight. There was a nor’easter came in late afternoon, but it didn’t make much change to conditions.
The southerly hit at 10 past midnight, up to 30 knots on my wind read out the seas didn’t come up much though due to their short fetch.
I had to get up several times during the night in the pouring rain and check the anchor, I put a 2nd snub on, but it was still banging. At one stage, at low tide, I was convinced that I was banging on a rock, and I started the motor to move to deeper water, but I couldn’t get the anchor up as it appeared to have snagged on a rock or coral. I had to stay where I was, but I didn’t get much sleep.
This morning conditions are much better, the rain has stopped, winds eased and at high tide I decided to move to a different spot. The anchor was snagged, but I freed it by driving forward over it and dragging it free.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Reached Mackay
Arrived in Mackay late last night after a 15 hour trip from the Percy Islands. Not much wind to speak of and had to motor most of the way.
Spent last night at anchor just outside the harbour, uncomfortable night as there was a slight swell which was causing the boat to roll quite a bit.
It took 2 days from Pearl bay to Mackay, with a stopover night at Hummocky Island, which was a very good anchorage. The island is horseshoe shaped with a lagoon which was very sheltered and no swell.
The next anchorage was a worry, strong currents and 6 meter tide, had to put a lot of chain out which took some pulling in at 5 o'clock yesterday morning. It was on the north west side of South Percy and it won't be a place I shall anchor in again. apparently Middle Percy is better.
When I left there yesterday morning I started to go to the east of Middle Percy, but there was such a strong adverse current that I quickly did a 180 and went to the West.
I'm in the marina at Mackay now, for 1 night, but can't afford to stay here for the 10 days wait for Chez and there are no comfortable anchorages; so I intend going up to Brampton Island tomorrow and spending a week up there, I have made enquiries ans the anchorages there are pretty good. At least it will give me a chance to catch up with the washing.
Cut my own hair this morning never done it before and didn't do too bad a job, bit bald on 1 side, but I'll wear a hat 'til it grows.
Friday 6th August
Rosslyn Bay to Pearl bay
Good trip up here, good winds and made good time. Tried to take a short cut between Manifold Island and the mainland, about 0.2 NM gap, but the current running through there was about 3 knots on the nose, so gave up and went around outside.
Rosslyn Bay

Thursday 5th August Rosslyn Bay
Spent a relaxing day today, went into Yeppoon this morning in the courtesy car to do my shopping. Bottle shop didn’t open til 10:00 and the car had to be back by 09:30; thought I would have a dry run to Mackay, but my neighbour, Dave, asked his wife to get me a wine cask when she was in Yeppoon.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
In The Tropics


Monday, August 2, 2010
Only thing of note today was passing the shipping lane into Gladstone harbour. About half a dozen empty container ships either going in or waiting at anchor. Passed within about 100 meters from one, it looked huge. They were probably going in to pick up raw sugar.
Large fire near Gladstone, probably burning off the sugar cane. Smoke stretched right out to the horizon.
Anchored tonight off of the north end of Facing Island, near a small entrance into Gladstone Harbour, too small for anything other than runabouts.
Sunday, August 1, 2010

was low and only 1.3 meters of water, I draw 1.4 so didn't chance it.
I spent an extra day in Burnett Heads, took a walk around town had a beer in the Blue Water Club and generally relaxed.
Uneventful trip from Burnett to Bustard Bay, not much wind so motor sailed all way.
No picture today, some how or another I have locked the SD card and don't know how to unlock it. I've got Chez working on it she will find out how to do it from the camera shop where it was bought.
Not particularly interesting tonight, maybe tomorrow will be more eventful.
I will add a picture, one of Burnett Harbour from Google